Crochet Granny Puff Face Scrubbies

Get ready for summer with these adorable Granny Puff Face Scrubbies! These quick and colorful crochet projects are not only practical but also perfect as gifts for friends and family or to sell at craft markets.

A Quick and Colorful Crochet Project

Ideal for both kitchen and bath use, these face scrubbies can be customized to match your home decor in either solid or multiple colors.

Why Crochet Granny Puff Face Scrubbies?

Granny Puff Face Scrubbies are a fantastic project for several reasons:

  1. Practicality: These scrubbies are highly useful for cleansing the face, making them an eco-friendly alternative to disposable wipes.
  2. Quick to Make: They are perfect for a quick crochet fix, allowing you to complete a project in just a short amount of time.
  3. Customizable: With endless color options, you can make these scrubbies to match any decor or personal preference.
  4. Perfect Gifts: These scrubbies make thoughtful and practical gifts for friends and family, and they are also great items to sell at craft markets.

Materials Needed

To create these Granny Puff Face Scrubbies, you will need the following materials:

  • Yarn: Choose soft cotton yarn for a gentle touch on the skin. You can select colors that match your home decor or go for a vibrant mix.
  • Crochet Hook: A suitable hook size for your yarn choice, typically a size H (5mm) or G (4mm).
  • Scissors: For cutting the yarn.
  • Yarn Needle: For weaving in ends.

Benefits of Using Cotton Yarn

Using cotton yarn for your face scrubbies has several benefits:

  • Soft and Gentle: Cotton is soft on the skin, making it perfect for face scrubbies.
  • Durable: Cotton yarn is sturdy and can withstand multiple washes.
  • Absorbent: Cotton is highly absorbent, making it effective for cleansing.
  • Eco-Friendly: Cotton scrubbies are reusable and reduce waste compared to disposable wipes.

Tips for Crocheting Granny Puff Face Scrubbies

Consistent Tension

Maintaining consistent tension is key to achieving uniform and professional-looking scrubbies. Practice on a small swatch if you're new to the pattern to get a feel for the stitches.

Color Coordination

Choose colors that complement each other and your home decor. Solid colors provide a classic look, while multiple colors can add a fun and playful touch. Consider using a variegated yarn for a unique and colorful scrubbie.


Blocking your finished scrubbies can help them hold their shape and look more polished. Simply wet them, shape them to the desired size, and let them dry flat.

Adding a Personal Touch

To make your Granny Puff Face Scrubbies extra special, consider adding a personal touch:

  • Embroidery: Add a small embroidered design to each scrubbie for a unique look.
  • Packaging: Present your scrubbies in a beautiful package if you're giving them as gifts or selling them. Use eco-friendly materials for an added touch of care.

Using Your Granny Puff Face Scrubbies

These scrubbies are versatile and can be used in multiple ways:

  • Face Cleansing: Perfect for daily facial cleansing routines.
  • Makeup Removal: Effective for removing makeup gently.
  • Exfoliation: Use them to gently exfoliate the skin.
  • Bath and Shower: Ideal for use in the bath or shower for a luxurious experience.

Crocheting Granny Puff Face Scrubbies is a delightful and rewarding project that offers practicality, customization, and a touch of handmade charm.

Whether you're making them for yourself, as gifts, or to sell, these scrubbies are sure to be a hit. Enjoy the process of creating these quick and colorful crochet projects, and don't forget to check out the YouTube video tutorial included for extra guidance.

Happy crocheting!

Images and pattern courtesy of MJ's Off The Hook Designs

We hope you enjoy watching this video about Face Scrubbies

Source: MJ's Off The Hook Designs

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