Free Pattern! Crochet Nesting Baskets!

Crochet nesting baskets are not only practical but also add a handmade touch to home décor. These baskets are perfect for organizing small items, serving as decorative pieces, or even as thoughtful gifts.

Free Crochet Nesting Basket Pattern

The free crochet nesting basket pattern allows you to create a set of baskets in varying sizes that fit neatly inside one another.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to crochet nesting baskets, along with tips, techniques, and useful information.

Benefits of Crochet Nesting Baskets


Nesting baskets are incredibly useful for organizing items around the house. Whether it’s for storing craft supplies, kitchen utensils, or bathroom essentials, these baskets help keep things tidy and accessible.

Aesthetic Appeal

Crochet baskets add a touch of handmade charm to any space. They can be customized in various colors and sizes to match your home décor, making them both functional and decorative.


By using yarns made from natural fibers or recycled materials, crochet baskets can be an environmentally friendly option for storage solutions.

Materials Needed


  • Type: Use sturdy, medium to bulky weight yarn to ensure the baskets maintain their shape. Cotton yarn is a popular choice for its durability and ease of care.
  • Colors: Choose colors that complement your home décor. You can use a single color for a uniform look or mix and match for a more vibrant appearance.


  • Crochet Hook: Use a hook size that matches your yarn recommendation. Typically, a 5.5mm to 6.5mm hook is suitable for medium to bulky weight yarn.
  • Additional Supplies: You’ll need scissors, a tapestry needle for weaving in ends, and stitch markers to keep track of your rounds.

Basic Pattern Overview

Foundation and Base

  1. Magic Ring: Start with a magic ring to create a tight, secure beginning for your basket.
  2. Increase Rounds: Work in rounds, increasing the number of stitches each round to form a flat circle. This will be the base of your basket.


  1. Building Up: Once the base is the desired size, continue working in rounds without increasing to build up the sides. This creates the height of the basket.
  2. Stitch Patterns: Use single crochet (sc) for a tight, dense fabric. You can also experiment with half double crochet (hdc) or double crochet (dc) for different textures.


  1. Edging: Add a simple border to the top edge of the basket for a clean finish. A round of slip stitches or a reverse single crochet (crab stitch) works well.
  2. Handles: For added functionality, consider adding handles. Create small loops or longer straps, depending on your preference.

Tips for Crocheting Nesting Baskets

Maintaining Shape

  • Tension: Keep your stitches tight to ensure the baskets are sturdy and hold their shape.
  • Reinforcement: Use a second strand of yarn or a thicker yarn for added strength. You can also crochet over a piece of plastic canvas at the base for extra rigidity.

Customizing Sizes

  • Smaller Baskets: To create smaller baskets, reduce the number of increase rounds and the height.
  • Larger Baskets: For larger baskets, add more increase rounds and additional height. Make sure each basket is proportionate to fit neatly inside the next size up.

Decorative Touches

  • Color Changes: Add stripes or color blocks by changing yarn colors at the end of a round.
  • Embroidery: Decorate the sides of your baskets with simple embroidery stitches for a personalized touch.

Creative Uses for Crochet Nesting Baskets

Home Organization

Use nesting baskets to organize drawers, shelves, and countertops. They are perfect for sorting small items like jewelry, office supplies, or toiletries.

Gift Baskets

Create a set of nesting baskets to use as gift containers. Fill them with goodies such as bath products, baby items, or snacks for a thoughtful and reusable gift.

Decorative Pieces

Display empty nesting baskets as part of your home décor. Arrange them on shelves or tables to add a cozy, handmade touch to your space.

Crocheting nesting baskets is a fun and rewarding project that combines functionality with creativity. Whether you’re making them for personal use or as gifts, these baskets are sure to be a hit.

By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can create beautiful and durable nesting baskets in any size and color combination.

Enjoy the process and the satisfaction of adding a handmade touch to your home organization solutions. Happy crocheting!

Images and pattern courtesy of A Crafty Concept

We hope you enjoy watching this video about Basket

Source: A Crafty Concept

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